Sunday, October 28, 2012


2/365 by Jess Conran
2/365, a photo by Jess Conran on Flickr.

Its now day two and needless to say there is a long way to go.

I endlessly sit on Flickr and see these gorgeous conceptual shots. Which have been created at the hand of a skillfull photographer but also skillful photoshopper...Making words up is healthy, I think... Since starting my 365 project I have started frequenting youtube for photoshop tutorials.

All part of my quest to improve my photographic, conceptual and editing skills. Its a challenge; whats progression without a little challenge.


Friday, October 26, 2012


1/365 by Jess Conran
1/365, a photo by Jess Conran on Flickr.
Welcome to my first 365 Project. Today is day one. A scary step for me. 365 self portraits. I think I will enjoy the challenge.

The gist of the project is merely to take one self-portrait a day and post it to flickr. Sounds simple enough...right?

Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.
- Oscar Wilde


Thursday, October 25, 2012

All Who Wander;

All Who Wander; by Jess Conran
All Who Wander;, a photo by Jess Conran on Flickr.
There is always fun in looking through archived photoshoots. Tonight was one of those nights. I am sick and when a sick mind can't study it wanders... where better than your hard drive...

Here is a photo of Sally I took well over a year ago; 'All Who Wander;'

"Not all who wander are lost" 
- J.R.R Tolkein 
