Monday, April 25, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

I am an Impressionist

I am an Impressionist; I trudge through the countryside, chasing light, chasing colours until I capture the truth through my lens.

Natural light is the bane of my existence, I find beauty in truth and natural light sheds all facades.


 Together, myself, Sally (model) and Millie had fun walking through the bush to chase where I found the best light and the quaint little creek in the reserve. It is a location I will probably use again at some stage. I had limited options when the clouds began to take my precious sun away. Through the latter part of the shoot I began channeling Bill Henson. His great manipulation of tones and shadows has always enamored me.

Here are my favourites: All natural light, completely edit free.

The girl's got style
